Sixteenth meeting of the West Africa Task Force

June 2024 — Andréa Durighello (Fisheries Expert) participated in the sixteenth meeting of the Fisheries Commission for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) West Africa Task Force (WATF). 

The meeting was held in Monrovia, Liberia on 12 – 14 June 2024. Participation of the directors and heads of monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) from the FCWC Member States, Technical Team members, and representatives of partner organisations including ECOWAS was though in-person and online attendance. It was the occasion for Duncan Copeland to hand over to Gareth Johnstone the role of Executive Director of SIF’s partner TMT.

The meeting focused on experience sharing regarding activities advancing regional cooperation and coordination to fight IUU fishing, including updates on activities conducted at the FCWC Regional Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Centre (RMCSC). It was also used to discuss specific issues such as the next steps to finalise a sustainability plan for the FCWC’s Regional Monitoring Control and Surveillance Centre (RMCSC), the update of the current strategy of the FCWC with regards to at-sea transshipment – notably to align it with the FAO transhipment guidelines – and the establishment of a Regional Register of Fishing Vessels (RRAFV). Emphasis was also placed by the FCWC Members on the harmonised implementation of conservations and fisheries management measures throughout the region, notably closed seasons. More lessons learnt and practical experiences for successful will be shared amongst WATF members in the future.