SADC meetings to kick start the MCSCC Centre

June 2024 – The NFDS Team Per Erik Bergh (CEO and Managing Director), Sandy Davies (Technical Director), Andréa Durighello (Fisheries Expert), JD Kotze (Investigator)  Malebogo Seofeleng (Project Administrator)and Regina Dithapo (Communications Assistant) attended three important meetings in support of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Regional Fisheries Monitoring Control and Surveillance Coordination Centre (MCSCC). These meetings held between the 17 to 21 June 2024 in Maputo, Mozambique included the second Operational Task Force meeting, a Regional Technical Team (RTT) meeting and an orientation meeting for the first Board of Directors of the MCSCC. 

Representatives from SADC State Parties to the Charter for Establishing the MCSCC, the SADC Secretariat and cooperating and supporting partners attended the meetings. During the Task Force meeting SADC countries gave updates since the last meeting,   the terms of reference for MCSCC Task Force were finalised, discussions relating to recent IUU cases in the region were held, requirements for capacity building identified, and options for implementation of the SADC Regional Register of Fishing Vessels considered for marine and inland States. The RTT meeting focused on the implementation of the roadmap for the MCSCC, including a review of progress.

On closing of the meetings, the MCSCC organised an orientation meeting for Board of Directors of the MCSCC, this meeting was opened by Her Excellency Lídia Cardoso, Minister of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries of the Republic of Mozambique.